I have a 1510 build in process with the complete mechanicals and 345 oz in motors. I am trying to research the pros and cons of a few controller options: 1) Most likely I will go with a black box and interface 2) Go with an xPro v5 3) Buildbotics I am mainly looking for a good solution for a newer user for the controller that is easy enough to learn as well as allow future quality of life stuff like homing/probing/bit height offset for changes etc. I would like an option to not require my laptop out in the workshop ideally without requiring internet as my shop is a little spotty in service. Any advice would be appreciated between the 3 options.
BlackBox: better documentation (see docs.openbuilds.com/blackbox), big friendly helpful community right here, and also, videos, predefined machine profiles, tech support, world class warranties, you name it Software runs offline too: See docs:software:overview [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Yeah one of the biggest things steering me to the black box is it seems me re well documented and a much bigger user base for help.