Just put together my first used openbuild CNC system (first purchased 2016) see photos. Its was running, but the seller new nothing about it as belonged to her husband. Can you help with some basic questions...here goes... 1. Identify the controller, so I can get updates if required, has double fans ?, see photo 2. What do I need to get it moving ? as I have no controller software, any idea what it would of been originally 3. Did get software with the system but the company will not let me register it as its already registered to previous owner, bit of a bummmer but they wont transfer to me. Be gentle I'm new here Thanks in advance
The controller is an xPro (Spark-Concepts/xPRO). Looks like it might be version 3. Use OpenBuilds Control to connect to it: OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM Make sure you have the FTDI drivers installed: Virtual COM Port Drivers Report back with any issues.
Hi,soeey its him again. I put in the drivers and software, the controller lights up green with fans swirling away, but when i try to move I get an error showing
Nan - $j=G91G21Y1F4978, SAME ERROR FOR X+Z also have ! on save to firmware icon in Grbl settings thanks
The ! on save to firmware means changes were made in the grbl settings but they havent been applied to the controller board yet.
Probably has a very old version of Grbl on it! $J style of jogging needs Grbl 1.1 Control only supports Grbl 1.1, upgrading is risky (as the xpro doesnt use standard atmega328p, instead uses atmega328pb (extra B at the end means its not entirely compatible with arduino tools. We have a flash tool in Control, but strong chance even with that of bricking the board. Unless you know how to rebootload with ICSP programmer, avoid upgrading!) As such, try a different application that supports old versions of Grbl like UGS, or Grbl Panel
Thanks Peter, I realize that updating firmware of any kind can be risky, trying to avoid it as much as possible. I sorted the ! firmware it corrected itself, but comes up with Error NAN - undefined $10=null ??? Can i ask some questions please Which machine do I choose in the list I have OX CNC 1500 (2016), is this same as Acro 1515, or workbee, or go custom. do I say yes to any firmware changes on machine choice? lastly shall i update the controller board maybe Pro V4 ? ... getting itchy now to get going thanks you both for your time
xPro and Grbl Panel Hi just read this post, seems like it may work for me, what do you think Thank you
Just to let you all know it's alive....no new controller required...anyone else who was in my position feel free to contact me. It's hard work when you know almost nothing about CNC...but nothibg is impossible regards