Good afternoon one and all, I was just starting to do run a dry run of my spoilboard T nut holes. I did all the calibration if my XYZ Axis and everything looks good. I put everything at Zero location , set Zero loaded the Gcode file saw the preview at the bottom of the screen, I am using Openbuilds software as my controller. I am using the Blackbox as my controller, hit run job and nothing moves. I get a "websocket error" telling me the program either stopped or crashed. Also I was wondering about something on the controller, my USB icon on the controller flashes constantly, is this normal and I have tried different cables. Is there something I am not doing to get it to run the Job? Any help would be greatly appreciated. It did an update to the software this morning also. Thank you in advance Steve aka Ampman
Try again after a reboot. Websocket timed out because PC was bogged down. Flashing = normal. Software just asking controller where it is, and in return its sending position feedback, about 5-10 times per second to update the DROs and other internal statusses
Had some success this afternoon, so there are some small tweaks to my program for the spoilboard I need to address so hopefully once that is done everything works out. Peter yes the reboot was the fix, Thank you Steve aka Ampman