I hope someone can help me with my problem. I have an Openbuild Ox since 2017. I used UGS for operating my machine and grbl 1.09 till recently. Than I decided to chance my machine, no more belts but lead screws and no more wheels but linear rails. All was build in the last couple of weeks and yesterday i could fire up my machine again. All worked good again after I calibrated the axes and the speed. Than I decided that I needed to upgrade Grbl to the version 1.1h. I downloaded the openbuilds software and tried to flash 1.1 to my arduino and there it went wrong. It could not be done the way I wanted it to go. This morning I downloaded the hexfile that I needed and the Xloader and now when I open openbuilds software it says that the version is 1.1h. But when I try to get movement om my axes it does nothing. I can see grbl program numbers chancing but the axes don't move. All my wires are connected as the picture shows and yesterday I got movement but today nothing moves at all. What can I do and what did I do wrong. P.S. Ive got no limits on my machine but that is what I want in the near future and also the probe.
Hello I did not calibrate the machine yet and I also will look to $4. If possible tomorrow otherwise it will be on Monday. Thanks for the reply.
This morning I entered the settings in grbl 1.1 as they where in grbl 1.09. I also chanced $4 setting in 1 but still no movement on my axes.Neither in USG as in Openbuilds.
But was it 0 before? Try both, dont forget to reset the Arduino between test for changes to take effect Is the stepper drivers powered up? Cant view your grbl settings, copy it from the Serial Console tab so its plain text...
Hello Peter, yes it was 0 before that did not work so I chanced that to 1. By reset Arduino do you mean to press the button on the Arduino? I typed the settings by hand and here they are.
Setting good. Well, with $4 try both for every test power to drivers good Check wiring between arduino and drivers Check power supply
Hello Peter, i will check all wiring again tomorrow and will try $4 in both settings Thanks for reply.
Hello Peter, your suggestion for $4 did the trick it is now on 0 again. All is working again. Thanks for your help.