Hi there, I've just completed the mechanical assembly of the Lead 1515 with high Z mod and am moving on to the electrical side of things. The youtube build video and plans only have three limit switches; one for each axis. It doesn't make sense to me to have a limit switch on one side of the X axis and not on the other. While a crash on a 1500mm gantry is unlikely, it could equally happen at either end. Is there a reason for designing it like this? I'm going to put 5 limit switches on (2 for X, 2 for Y and 1 for Z). I'll run theM in "normally closed" mode which means that two can be run in series. I'm using the XPro V5 controller. Is there any issue doing this? Can I also use the limit switches for homing? Thanks, Allistar.
1) You can order extra switches and wire them in or 2) You home using the single set of switches, and turn on Soft Limits to constrain moves after homing: gnea/grbl Yes. Must-read is the Grbl Wiki: gnea/grbl - explains all the under the hood workings