Good afternoon. I have the new LEAD 1515 up and running. Questions about the OB Interface: With the Interface, can I: Jog to G28 or G30 locations? Jog a specified amount or to a specific location (e.g. exactly 300mm)? Change to different work coordinate systems (G55-G59)? Connect computer through Interface? Or are these actions available only in OB Control on the computer? I looked around but didn’t see these anywhere on the buttons or menus. The Interface does have a USB-C port labeled “Computer”. Thx, rink.
Not directly, but if you really need to, add a gcode file for yourself caled something like G28.gcode and inside just have a G28 command. Run it like a job would No its mainly designed for ease of use. Probe ideally, run from there. A probed piece of stock can handle jigs and offsets too - as you can set all that in gcode. You Job can include WCS commands No, Interface "replaces" the PC, so one or the other. For firmware updates A full blown host has more flexibility but a smart operator can do everything you need to on an Interface too. Just think of it as your walk-up-and-run tool and rethink your workflows to accomodate that. Think smarter to use a simpler toolset