Hello everyone, my name is Urko and I live in Madrid, Spain. I have a CNC Lead Machine 1010 along with a Blackbox 4 and I would like to know if I can control my machine with this type of controller. Ddcsv 3.1 3/4 ejes 500KHz G-code toda de metal de los casos sin conexión Controller + volante | eBay Thank you very much for everything.
You'd need to add stepper drivers on top of that (it doesnt work with BlackBox, so you are replacing the whole electronics stack) , and do your research on those... (chinese software, gcode dialect differences, UI, etc) By the way, for the price of those, you could just buy a Pipo X10 to put next to the machine (well pricing in drivers, etc you could buy more than one Pipo hehe) - having a "pc" nearby is more useful, you can quickly download files, edit gcode, even run basic CAM, much more flexible
Sweeet then you already know how cool they are (; OpenBuilds CONTROL does run on them, and mines been up on the shelf gathering dust for about a year now (so I have to admit I havent been testing it on a Pipo as much myself these last few months) - so if you do get anything that doesnt work let me know here: OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL I can't do a tonne to make it all touchscreen friendly though, so keep a mouse nearby (; or at least a touchscreen stylus - fingers are surprisingly big to cater for in an UI
Oh, and on CONTROL's troubkleshooting tab, theres an Application Diagnostic menu: Disabling 3D viewer (not like the Ddcsv from above has that) can practically make it run on anything, 3D view is the ram/gpu intensive part - rest uses almost no resources