I imported my file from CAD as a dxf. When I click on my circles, I get this warning: and I cannot figure out how to get the circle to close for the life of me! When I zoom in I can tell that there's a gap: I've tried NX, Solidworks, and AutoCAD to try and fix it. I also had this issue with my part outline, but I was about to turn it into a closed polyline in AutoCAD and that solved the problem. How do I do something similar with a circle? Thanks, Sam
1) In your CAD application, convert your Arcs, Circles and Splines to Polylines (Most CAD applications calls the tool to do that "Explode") 2) If you cannot, open your DXF in LibreCAD for example (quick, free) LibreCAD - Free Open Source 2D CAD and use it to Explode the Circles into Polylines Then export as DXF R14 format, its the more universal format for CNC work, as its an older, well documented, spec of the proprietary DXF format See From CAD to CAM, Cleaning up 2D DWG files for CNC. for more tips Or, consider upgrading to openbuildspartstore.com/vectric as it does a lot of the cleanup for you.
I pulled my file into LibreCAD (thanks for the tip, I've been looking for a program like this) and then exported as a DXF R14 and got a similar result as before, even after exploding. But, then I tried exporting as an .svg instead since I noticed that OBCAM could import them, AND IT WORKED! It's been a long and frustrating week, so glad to finally have a solution. Thanks for all your help.