Allright, The cnc router I've got was built with opensource parts. Last weekend I broke the Y axis flexible coupling so I ordered 2 which came today. At the time, I only saw one size on the website. So I assumed that was what I had. Today when I took off the broke one I learned the new ones won't fit. Going back to the Openbuilds parts store I only see 2 sizes. I need a .25 inch on one and and a .391 inch (10mm?) on the other end. I only see 5mm and 8mm on the site. Is there, or was there the large ones offered. Unless it's called something else but it looks just like the "flexible coupling" pictures, only the size at one end needs to be the .391" Thanks in advance.
You must have purchased them elsewhere. The store has only ever carried 1/4"x8mm and 5mmx8mm as these mate the two stepper sizes with the one screw size sold in the parts store. If you're in a hurry to get things up and running though you may be able to drill out the ones you received to 10mm.
Yeah, That's what I'm going to do. I noticed the X and Z axis have the smaller 8mm screws but the Y is larger. Maybe I got a hybrid but the rails and most of the connectors, controller, etc. all look openbuilds.I know the guy I got it from so I'll ask him too.