Good Morning- My Lead CNC with Black Box arrives tomorrow, and I hope to get it built and up and running by next weekend. In the meantime, I have an older version of VCarve Pro on my laptop, and wanted to find out what I should select to output my G-Code in a format that the control software can use- there are a bunch of choices available, but nothing specific to the Black Box. Thanks, Bob
I thought that was just for displaying. Interesting. Maybe I should update the fusion post to allow imperial.
Worth a shot. We have inch jog for a couple months now, viewer should scale, and Grbl always supported G20 and G21 If you find snags of course let me know, but in essence Alex's statement woudnt be true
Hmmm. Thanks Peter - like @sharmstr I thought OB control could display inches but needed the G-code in metric. Grbl has, of course, always handled G20 and G21. Alex
No, CONTROL has always worked with GCODE in INCH, what you may remember is sometime ago the Jogging buttons was MM only. Either way, you said: Note, BlackBox, not CONTROL, which is of course nonsense, Imperial does work with BlackBox. (and CONTROL, though that was not the point)
I understand this is an old post but didn't want to start a duplicate thread. I have the same question but for Fusion 360. If I do all of my CAD/CAM in imperial do I select the "Unit" dropdown in Post Process and change that to Metric? That dropdown also has Imperial which is confusing. Thank you, Rhett
As peter said above, early on, Control's jog buttons were in MM only. So I got into the habit of CAD/CAM in inches, but post processing in mm. I still do that to this day.