Hi Ive been looking to build a plasma table for some time, but would like some guidence on what plasma cutter to use and how complex the electronic side of the project would be. Regards Trevor
The most expensive one you can afford: You get two types: - HF Start (around $200 mark) - can be made to work, but if you are a beginner at electronics, these have a LOT of EMI to deal with (so expect to spend some time dealing with that by adding ferrites, earthing, and shielding) - Blowback Start (Hypertherm's CNC range for example) - usually costs more, but initiates the arc with a piston getting blown back by the air pressure, no nasty High Frequency Prearc like the HF ones. Doesnt make as much EMI, and therefore a lot friendlier around electronics. The better vendors also have a CNC control port right on the machine. Refer to OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation for more details - pretty simple in its most basic form Of course you can complicate it more if you need to (different controller that supports Torch Height Control, add a Torch Height Controller (Definately needs the expensive plasma inverter that has a THC port) etc