Hi Guys, Is there an issue with OpenBuilds Fusion360 Post processor V1.0.25 and I have identified a variation between it and Fusion 360 generic Post GRBL Processor. I've created posts using post Fusion 360 in build GRBL post & uploaded the Openbuilds cloud variant. When air testing them in Camotics, the Openbuilds variant has this weird drag bit through the stock, and from memory when trying the use it on my machine I was getting error messages, Can't remember what they were but may be able to reproduce. When choosing the Fusion Generic GRBL post and air testing through CAMotics, I don't get the drag bit. Both uploaded posts are for the same tool paths Regards Chris
When running the job: Home first, those moves are in G53 and is clearance moves Fusion default post uses G28 which is more confusing. Camotics might not be simulating the Machine Coordinate moves correctly either.
I've just reviewed both via NC Viewer // GCode Viewer and Machine Simulator and see what you mean with CAMotics Cheers
Fair game, our own sim in CONTROL doesn't simulate/preview machine moves eithers, so I am in the habit of not trusting the previews 100% but I do trust our Post works great as long as your homing is setup correctly and you remembered to home.
The problem is in CAMOTICS as it does not correctly interpret nor display G53 moves. I maintain and USE the OB fusion post, and I would have noticed if there was a problem (-: