Hello there! AC source is 230V (Europe) I have a question regarding power supply and its power consumption My stepper motor drivers are for 50-70V dc 7A 3 Nema34 rated at 6A max ( one for Y axis and 2 parralel for X axis) In my build i am going to use power supply 60Vdc 17A 1kW My question is can i use 16A breaker for my power supply? What current and power will all my motors consume? Is my power supply going to draw 18A current? (3x6 = 18)
That just seems like you're playing with fire for no reason. In most situations, a machine is only using about 2/3 of the total rated current. Let's say you are two hours into a job and hit a patch of code that actually uses most of your three axi. The power supply dropping voltage is one thing, but tripping a breaker is another. You just killed your entire job because you left no overhead.