When I try the automatic probe plus command the bit keeps moving over to the electrical connector and the z wants to crush it unless I abort it. The spindle is a 1.5kw air cooled spindle so I turned the power off and disconnected the main spindle wire to rule out emi issues but it keeps on wanting to do the same thing.
Update to 1.0.284: OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM please
There was a bug in versions <1.0.284 (discussed here V1.0.283 Error when probing ) that causes it to move the probe weirdly, so I'll ask you to double check that the top toolbar shows 1.0.284? Make a video please, showing what happens? 1) Are you sure your cartesian coordinates are correct (X+ moves too to the right, Y+ moves tool away from you, Z+ lifts tool up) 2) Wiring OK - VFDs can introduce ground loop faults 3) Make a quick video showing what happens 4) Include a copy of the Serial log with the video 5) Only AUTO? Does XYZ probe, Z probe, X and Y, etc all work?
Ok Peter problem solved again had x+moving left ,for where I"ve installed the limit switches for homing ,inverted that and the probe worked fine.Believe it or not don't know much about computers but have run and built home made cnc 's for years lol