This is my first post and I have not found the search function yet (from iPhone) - so I truly apologize if either of these questions have been asked already. I promise to find the search function after this. With that being said, I have a OB Lead 1515: 1) Is there a way to change the units in the probe section of the software? The bit size reads in mm and I would rather have it read in inches. 2) Has anyone experienced issues with the dust boot not clearing the bottom of the z axis carriage? I ruined two carves because I couldn’t get the bit to cut all the way through. I finally found out that the back of the boot was hitting the cap plate on the bottom of the extrusion. I plan on taking a sander to the backside of the boot to get it to clear. I was just wondering if this is a common issue as a design flaw?
Not at this time. Keep a conversion chart at hand Magnifying glass - top right corner, or from the Forums > Search forums menu, or direct link: Search Threads and Posts | OpenBuilds