Hello to the community of openbuilds, I have a question, give it may not be someone has come across as of yet but hoping so.. I want to know why my nema 23 2.45nm stepper motors are jamming ( thus not turning), I have tried alot of things even returning parts to shop for diagnostics with no prevail however a new controller which still results in same behaviour, I would like to ask what is the relevance of steps permm vs microstepping as motors jamm with 8th microstepping and 300steps permm, but not with 200, same when I change over to 16th microstepping with say 700 steps permm but don't jamm when paired with 500 steps, This seams to be the only thing I can change for as motors not to jamm, Has anyone had this issue, is anyone laughing at the amature that is I haha,
Also to add this machine work fine with multiple cuts with 1/8 micro with 400 steps per Mm until it didn't?
What controller are you using? What sort of speeds (mm/min) are you trying to achieve? What GRBL settings are you using? (acceleration in particular)
Hi , my Max rate is 4000mm/min and my acceleration is 300, Using a spark prov5 controller grbl, with cncjs as my output