I'm getting different responses from the Blackbox (using pyserial) depending on whether or not the OpenBuilds CONTROL software is connected to the Blackbox. I know there are conflicts when you have more than one program connected to the same device over serial. I've been able to send commands to the Blackbox using python3.9 with the following code: import serial ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200) ser.write('\r\n\r\n'.encode('ascii')) # initialize Grbl ser.write('?\r\n'.encode('ascii')) # get status ser.readline().strip().decode('utf-8') Here's what's odd. When the OpenBuilds CONTROL software is connected, I get the following output when I send the '?' command: '<Idle|WPos:0.000,-12.998,-43.998|Bf:15,128|FS:0,0>' When the OpenBuilds CONTROL software is not connected, I get the following output when I send the '?' command: 'ok' I'm curious as to why this is. I'd like to get the Blackbox status when the CONTROL software is not connected. Does anyone know what might be the reason for this? Thank you in advance.
Getting status feedback: see Grbl v1.1 Interface · gnea/grbl Wiki (no newline... The newline is seperately into the buffer and thus gets the ok) Only send "?"