I've looked through a bunch of posts and haven't seen my question answered sorry if it has been. I have just gotten the BB X32 and am redoing a Grunblau Platform CNC that has NEMA 23 320 oz in low inductance motors. The number on the motor is 57BYG. It had a 48V 12.5A switching power supply. I'm wondering why so big. I have read a bunch of posts and saw that the X32 unit works with Nema 23's. I am starting to wonder if that beefy power supply is to juice up the motors and get more speed. Here's a link to a semi-parts list for the machine. https://cncrouterparts2.rssing.com/chan-10558629/article16.html.
BlackBox is strictly 24v! Connecting the 48v PSU will blow it up and not be covered under warranty Ideally you want motors with 3-6v coils, 1-2mH Inductance and up to 3-4A Max current rating
Thanks for the reply! I'll have to get back to you but I think they may work. Might be top range but we shall see.
I would keep the existing drivers, power supply and motors and just add a grblHAL based controller here are some https://www.grbl.org/breakboards there are others GitHub - grblHAL/Controllers: List of controllers supported by grblHAL
Everything is working beautifully! I think that power supply was actually powering a different spindle at one point. Everything was a mess and now that all that old wiring and crap is gone and simplified I think we’re at a great starting point to eventually get a water cooled spindle.