I got my Lead 1010 up and running using a Black Box and the new Open Build's Interface. jogging to trigger all 3 limit switches shows the red LED's on the switches and will show X Y Z blinking on the Interface screen. However it does not stop movement nor is there any beeping alarm from the Interface Is there any chance that a warning beep can be added to the Interface when triggering a Limit switch? I almost crushed a couple limit switches today. Also jogging to trigger all 3 limit switches and setting to Zero and then turning off Black Box and turning it back ON shows on my machine X-35.66 Y- 10.55 Z - 9.54 So why is it not staying at Zero? I haven't moved anything. Just turned it back on.
Refer to gnea/grbl Please read the Grbl wiki it explains all the settings. Use your computer to run OpenBuilds CONTROL, connect to the BlackBox, and setup the limit switches correctly first
Can't. Computer is in my house and the CNC is in the shop. Can I just bring the power supply and Black Box in and plug it into my PC?