Hi guys, I'm happy with the Workbee right now, but in my spare time I'm designing an upgrade for it. I want to use supported linear Rods on all axis, larger Z Travel, Rack and Pinion on Y and X, different plate designs, JMC Servo 0.6Nm@3000RPM and lastly ball screw on Z. Yes I know supported linear Rods are not the best, but I'll give it a shot. They are cheap and seem to be sturdy. My main question is regarding the rack and pinion drive. I don't want to have the JMC servos perpendicular to the side of the Y or X Axis, since those long servos stick out quite far left and right/to the back(X). I would like to have them upright with the shaft pointing down and engaging the rack. I will tension the servo against the rack directly with a piviot at the axis plates, screw and spring. But will the torque provided be enough, since I'm not using a gearbox? How many teeth should the pinion have? I have not designed it yet, therefore I don't have a lot to show. I hope it's kind of clear what I want to accomplish. Regards!