I have been running on this setup for a while now. But had a strange occurrence today. I shut the machine down completely a few days ago, and everything was good when shut down. Last night, I went to turn everything back on, and the red LEDs came on for all axis’s almost immediately. There was no changes to the system. Only thing different is that the stepper motors were cold, as it is in the basement and the room is about 67 degrees. Has anyone seen this before?
All at once makes me think PSU undervolt (Below 18v) - most likely cause for erroring all 4 at once: See docs:blackbox:currentadjustment [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Thanks for the quick response. I’ll go check that shortly. Cant wait to get the new controller finished!
67 is cold? My stepper work at 57 with not a peeps! Well, yeah, some peeps, but that's from me since I freeze!
Compared to what they normally run at, it is a bit colder. I am still working on this issue, as the PS is testing good.. Not sure what the cause of it is, but not much longer...
Is your muscle still running off the Arduino, if I recall you wired it something like that while you waited on the replacement brains? If so, check that you dont enable the drivers before they have power?
Umm. Ok. So. I made it back down to the machine today. Turn on the controller, same issue. Check the power supply. All checks good. then I notice that the usb cable is unplugged. Plug the cable in. Restart the controller. And all is working fine. Why would the usb cable not being plugged in cause the stepper drivers to error out. Wierd.
That is what my question above about the Arduino setup was looking at too - power sequencing. They shouldnt, but some versions of the board did prefer 5v rail up, before 24v rail
So. When I connect the usb. Everything comes up and works just fine, except the Interface can’t connect because the controller is in USB mode. When I don’t connect the USB, the interface connects just fine, but the drivers error out. Catch 22...
I’ll have to pull it apart to confirm, but it’s a newer system, and the brain board I had to replace was 2.7.
Plugged in usb. Turned on the 24v. Plugged in the interface. Pushed reset on BB and interface, and all is up. I was able to control the system from the interface.