I dropped my tabletop a few inches and changed my spoil board.on my 1510 openbuild. I need to re-establish the XYZ machine limits for homing purposes. I am using a blackbox controller. Can you tell me how to establish the new limits of the tabletop so the router will not run into anything. I would say the safe limits are now 770 on the x-axis, 1000 on the y-axis, and 80 on the z-axis all measurements in mm.
By setting those variables, does that mean that the machine will home on those values. I changed the variables, and I thought the machine would not let me move beyond the the limit (in the x-axis case beyond 700mm) acting like a limit switch - but this is not the case. Can you explain why that happens?
Only if you have Soft Limits enabled. Read the Grbl Wiki (yes all of it) - it explains all these and how they relate to each other