Hi Folks, Yes I’m a novice. Midway through a 1hr cut and the dreaded break a bit scenario. How do I recommence without having to restart again.
This gets asked about every 2nd week and the answer is still "no, but if you have the right software and are willing to take lots of risks..." It is in fact a complex and dangerous task to do this, at best your workpiece will be ruined, at worst the machine will injure itself, or you. Also, the bit broke for a reason, preventing another break probably means changing parameters (feedrate, depth of cut, rpm) and regenerating the Gcode, which means you now do not know the line number to restart from so it is impossible, and it was never as simple as 'go to linenumberxxx' anyway. Search the forums for my previous answers to this question to find the right software and method of doing it.