I was looking at docs:interface:wifi-setup [OpenBuilds Documentation] My screen does not look like this. Attached is a screen shot of my openbuilds screen. I do not see wifi anywhere there, it looks like a completely different screen as started in the OpenBuilds Docs. I have a CNC Zoom meeting on Sat morning, and I thought that this would be something to demo for my group. I will also be showing how I converted parts of my HD3 Shark to the OpenBuilds controller. So far I have: how to wireup the stepper motors, how to install limit switches, make a 3 axis touch plate, Thanks for any help that will help with my goal.
The documentation you refer to is for Interface (a hardware product) See INTERFACE CNC Touch _______________________________________ Your screenshot is from CONTROL (Software) To use the mobile jog tool in CONTROL go to Wizards and Tools > Mobile jog Wizard and scan the QR code / enter the URL shown on your phone
Your screenshot is from OpenBuilds Control which runs on a computer. The link you supplied is for OpenBuilds Interface which is used instead of a computer: INTERFACE CNC Touch
Thank you for your quick replies. I thought that you could run the machine directly from a cell phone. Now I realize that I need the Interface CNC Touch to interface between the cell phone and the OpenBuilds controller.
I was searching for CONTROL the forum. Where do I find the CONTROL download? Looking for the word control takes me to a lot of different things. Is there just a download page for software? Thank you.
Software link at the top: OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM
Also checkout the DOCUMENTATION link in the same menu Which has subsections like docs:software:overview [OpenBuilds Documentation] docs:software:openbuilds-control [OpenBuilds Documentation] docs:blackbox:hello-world [OpenBuilds Documentation] and more...
Okay, I have the right software CONTROL, when I used my cell phone, I got the correct screen, but nothing worked. I have both the computer and the cell phone on my network, but nothing happened? Do I need to setup something on my computer or in the program CONTROL? I am going to try my Ipad to see if something works. Thank you.
I got it to work on the Ipad, now i just need to figure out my cheap phone, Thanks for everyones help!
The first time I turned on my machine today, it updated. However, the version I have is 1.0329. So I will update it now to 1.0330. Thank you. It is nice that there is a place for help and the response is unbelievably FAST.