Is there any technical reason (outside of mechanical fit) why the Vortex Rotary Axis couldn't be added to an Openbuilds machine with a BlackBox X32?
Thanks Peter. It looks like the motor is probably a LDO-57STH56-2804AC. Rated Voltage 2.5V Current /Phase 2.8A Resistance /Phase 0.9 Ω Inductance /Phase 2.5 mH Holding Torque 12.6 Number of Leads 4 Rotor Inertia 300^2 Stall Torque 0.4 I haven't compared this to your motors yet.
On a related note, is there a released or beta OpenBuilds F360 post that supports a 4th (rotary) axis?
OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor/OpenbuildsFusion360PostGrblX32.cps at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor
Awesome! For BlackboxX32 based on ESP32 for grblHAL with 4th axis Made possible by Swarfer GitHub - swarfer/GRBL-Post-Processor: Start Sharmstr Strooom GitHub - Strooom/GRBL-Post-Processor: Post Processor for Autodesk Fusion360, delivering GCODE output optimized for GRBL compatible CNC or Lathe This post-Processor should work on GRBLhal-based machines longDescription = "MultiAxis post for Blackbox X32 with single rotary axis A or plain XYZ."
make sure you read the popup help in the post options dialog, if you select the wrong stuff, it won't work correctly. if you don't set up a machine configuration a default one will be used, which may not match your actual machine.