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Discussion in 'CAM' started by Mark Carew, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    pic of the gcode sim

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  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Well, I don't know how you are not seeing them, if you read the cnc file you will see 5 sets of code like
    (plungeboredepth  DEPTH=0.15  DIAM=0.125)
    G00 Z0.0197
    G01 Z-0.15 F100
    G00 Z0.0197
    G00 Z0.125
    (plungebore end)
    and those are the plunge holes, no problem.
    Which then looks like this in GPlot
    the row of 5 little downward blue lines are the plunge holes.
  3. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    OK I see then in your results can you give me the color settings you are using I do have a sserious vision problem 10 rental sergerys and only 1 eye still working at all and it is not good, I have all of my adjustable colors set to the lighter colors. also is there a light background color setup. I thought I was seeing all on the page. I am really sorry to have waisted your time really i am. Thanks for your help so much as long as i know i am at least getting the output needed means I am doing the other things correctly mostly from the videos you have done and hwve wached them all several times. I will proceed withe my project is there a good simulator that i can watch the toolpath in action?
  4. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Sorry, no light background setup, but you can adjust the line colors from the 'Plotter|Colors' menu to get the contrast you need:

    I use CAMotics CAMotics when I want a real visualization but for most checks I use bCNC to step through the code, this shows the tool path but not the result of the path like CAMotics does. I also often make the actual cuts in insulation foam, just to see what it will really do before cutting the expensive plastic sheet or whatever the project involves.
  5. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    Thanks David I am back on the project as we speek do you ever sleep LOL

  6. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    Ok i am making headway I found that the simulate on the Openbuilds control software will show a visible to me simulation. I have downloaded the CAMotics software and will attempt to learn it soon
    I now have started to export the GCode using the Phlattboyz gcode generator as what I used before. all that is good but about 70 percent of the time when i go to put an outside cut on the same basic parts mostly rectangle parts that will build an airplane the outside cut tool wants to put the cut line on the inside. if I use the inside cut tool it places the line on the outside. as i said it does ot always do that. what is going on any ideas

    Thanks Mark
  7. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I sleep during the African night, about 8 hours ahead of CST (-:
  8. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    set your sketchup profile to 'achitectural' which i think will give you the same colors i have. in this scheme any flat sheet shape will have a blue side and a white side.
    all SketchUcam drawing must have the blue side facing up in order for the cut directions to be correct.


    so the shape i drew is pale blue
    the outside cuts are orange with a white area between the final object and the cut line
    the inside cuts are cyan with a white surface between the object and the cut.

    if you have to have another color scheme selected then what I am seeing as pale blue is in fact the 'inside' surface.
    so if you create a 3D cube the outside is a different color to the inside, in my case inside is blue and outside is white.
    SketchUcam requires that 'inside' surface to be 'up'
  9. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    David you are the man. I have always wanted to visit Africa and although I have travel to many countrys never been there.

    Thanks for the help I have now started on actual parts and have several done as individual parts as of righting this. Now to start the layout of a full sheet cut. Also I got the Black Box and power supply mounted on the Original PhlatPrinter and will most likely make some foam chips later today while you are asleep. LOL
    This is a link to my current project and you will see there is a real need to CNC this and not cut by hand as I have don up till now.

    racermark's blog - RC Groups

    Thanks again I am sure I will be back
    David the swarfer likes this.
  10. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    That looks good!
    I used a KF foil on a slope glider, flying wing type. Did not work well at all. It is now on the 'modify' pile to get a tail fitted. Some parts have been cut, now if I could just find them...
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  11. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    Yes the KF foil is quite unique in appearance and its functionality. My former life was in the auto racing industory and have done many days in the GM, Lockheed and in the !/4 scale moving ground plane tunnel. it is an amazing thing to study. I have actually talked to **** Kline many times and we email almost weekly. There are few people that fully understand the KF foil and how it works. All the known ways of analyzing airflow do not apply to the KF.

    on the cut side of things is it better to do all the individual parts (as you can see i have LOTS) as Gcode and then assembel them on a sheet to cut or place them then create the Gcode.
    anyway I look forward to texting again.

  12. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    well i think i got it all to work at lease in the Openbuilds control simulator. I will be attempting to finish the PhlatPrinter 1 tomorrow and Friday well as long as it does not interfere with watching Formula 1 LOL.
    I have included the first cut file i will attempt to cut. the file below is the .skp I am not dooing something as I can not get the Gcode to save. I generate the gcode in skcam and

    Thanks Mark

    Attached Files:

  13. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    do not cut that file. (-:

    Some parts are too close together and your tabs are not lined up, and too many in some places, too few in others.
    The 1/8" slots in the 2 long pieces need to be expanded by 0.002" so that the outside cut tool can get in there. Just because it draws a line does not guarantee a good cut.
    Sketchup rounds to 0.001" so the gap has to be at least 0.002"

    The tabs:
    On circles, use V tabs (press END to swap types) and bridge 3 adjacent arc segments, in 2 or 3 places around the circle, depending on size.This is the only time we place tabs next to each other.
    On straight edges (which must be more than 1.4" apart for a 1/8" tool) place the tabs opposite each other so that they support each other.
    On straight lines place only one tab, a single click. This tab will be 3/8" long (in your settings). The tool will remove a tool radius from each end so the resulting leftover material will be 1/4" long.
    For V tabs (they cut faster) you need to make them longer.

    Units. you have Architectural fractional inches selected, decimal inches to 0.000" precision works better. You can still enter measurements as fractions by putting an " after the fraction to tell Sketchup to interpret it as a fractional inch.

    Attached is what I would do..... well, I would use V tabs everywhere but I put some in so you can see what they do.

    As for saving, click the green arrow, confirm the filename and folder and it saves, then gives you a dialog saying 'output saved to blah/blah/path/filename.nc'. After that you may need to click on any face in the drawing to let the Gplot previewer popup, some versions of Sketchup need this. I had no problem saving the gcode.

    Attached Files:

  14. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    Not sure but I think this looks good LMK what you think. You are a big help and I really appreciate it.

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  15. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    The tabs on the inside circles are too short, those circles will fall out during cutting. you need to drag the Vtab across 3 circle segments.

    The rectangles at top left are 'backtacking'. they will cut out fine, but slowly, so you will want to fix that.
    Remove the cutline.
    select the shape
    right click and 'phlatten' it
    reapply the cuts and tabs.

    That usually fixes it, if not, then you need the 'bztools' plugin and use the 'create polyline' function to properly set the directions of all the segments of the outlines.
  16. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    O great help I did not realize about the drag on the tabs. I had set the tab default length to .375 and the single click just set them to that length. I thought the SW was smarter than me. Now i understand a bunch more. Each time i work on it I learn something new. I love the Phlattool.
    Working on the cutter today hope to cut this first sheet next couple of days.
    Thanks and I will report.
  17. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    well, in a previous message I did say:
    On circles, use V tabs (press END to swap types) and bridge 3 adjacent arc segments, in 2 or 3 places around the circle, depending on size.This is the only time we place tabs next to each other.
    I don't know how to say it more clearly (-: I also attached a file with examples of 3 segments bridged like this, to 'show and tell' as they say.....
  18. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    David you did GREAT I am the one that missed it There was so much info sent I got overwhelmed for sure. I was actually praising your help. I am really excited to get the PP1 going and start the cut. You Sir are a STAR
    David the swarfer likes this.
  19. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    I was lost but now I am Found

    OK back to business THANKS

    I got the PP1 running and started a fake cut to see what happens. I homed and loaded gcode and startd the Openbuilds control and off it went.
    It went through all the cuts I santed to watch but it was as if the drawing i made in decimal inches printed as metric. 7.250" printed as 7.250mm

    it all cut in a section about 60mm wide and 80mm long. will it convert to metric and cut as metric. i did open the .skp file and changed the units to metric but have not attempted another cut. one good thing is the movements acted correctly with regard to Vtabs and Plunges and straight lines.

    once again what am I doing wrong
  20. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Gcode has a code to set the units
    G20 sets inches
    G21 sets millimeters

    Read your gcode file to find out what it sent to the controller. (just a text file, read it with notepad)
    SketchUcam ALWAYS outputs the units selector, as should every Gcode generator.

    Units in Sketchup can be either decimal inches or millimeters and the gcode will be fine.
    I don't think any other units like miles has ever been tested (-:
  21. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    Yes I have thought about building a new Washington DC but since I cant build it in a size that will hold all the FATHEADS it is not worth trying. LOL

    I did change the model units to MM and it does output it correctly. I think about 3:00 this AM I found the steppers are missing strps but they are so exacting it is confusing. 80 degrees here today I think I wil spend it outside and work on this thing tonight. With your hwlp I am sure it will get sorted.

    Mark Carew likes this.
  22. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran

    Dec 18, 2013
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    @David the swarfer, I recently had drilled about 50 holes in a 3/4" plywood. I tried to choose peck drilling like we had on SketchUcam when you joined the team. I had added the code to it then. Now I can only do plunge drilling and I'm not comfortable doing it. I haven't used the drilling option in a long time, and therefore didn't notice that it's missing. I always do peck drilling when I manually drill holes. Is there any specific reason you chose to take it out?
  23. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Not missing at all. Just choose multipass with a layer depth set to your chosen peck depth.
    Then there are new options that control the retract mode, a full retract or a 'quickpeck' small retract.
    All detailed in the manual SketchUcam Toolbar
  24. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    in the GRBL settings, halve the max speed and acceleration for X Y and Z. That should get it going reliably. you can tune the values higher later.
  25. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I read the manuals but didn't find the option. I did see the 'quickpeck' but it sounded like not what I need. I didn't think about the multipass, I'll check it out today.

    Edit: The multipass did the trick. Totally forgot about that option when I did the g-code. :duh: :duh:
    #175 JustinTime, Apr 28, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2021
  26. JustinTime

    JustinTime Veteran

    Dec 18, 2013
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    While at it. Is there a way to make the pan option in the Gplot. It's kind of very short in the panning. I have to pan many times to get it to move to where I want. Only when It is zoomed in a lot does it start to pan as expected.
  27. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Do you have the latest version? 1.5a includes the latest version of the gplot.exe program which has improved (but not perfect) panning.
    The issue is one of scale, the whole drawing has a scale, the screen has another scale, the current view has yet another scale.
    The math to figure out how far a mouse movement relates to the onscreen movement has thus far eluded me. (-:
  28. theracermark


    Nov 16, 2020
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    OK I have the machine running at a nice clip. it is very repetable with NO missing stepps and went through the setup atain and dialed in the steps per MM very precisely. I am setup like a standard router sitting upside down. this makes the settings on the BBControl normal. I just layout the parts and look at them from the bottom. It was confusing for a while then when i looked at it from the bottom it all makes sense. At least in my mind.

    Anyway I have a few issues with the hardware as it is not very strong and flexes from the weight of the rollers in the middle of the X axis. I will have that sorted in a bit.

    The real problem is the cut comes up to the VTab and stops then lifts goes over the tab spot then cuts backwards to the previous lift point, and then goes to the far side of the next cut and comes back to the plunge point of the tab. this makes for a very inacurate looking cut. What is going on. I have even setup with 0.0 tab cut depth adn it does the same thing.
    I am also still having trouble saving the file as Gcode. I run the Phlatboys Parameters make the changes in those settings that i want to try and hit OK.
    I then hit the Gen Phlatboys Gcode. pick a neme ot save over the last and save.
    it will ont open in the cutter computer or the one it was saved in after the steps above. It does not show up in the control sofware unless I click custom files.

    I am getting closer every hurtle but UGH.


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  29. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    please post your sketchup file and your gcode file here so I can have a close look.

    so it has saved just fine at this point, the file exists in the folder you chose with the name you chose..... with extension .nc or .gcode
    This is a bit confusing. Gcode files are *just text* so any program that can open a text file can open it, you just have to select 'all files' in the extension selection box of the open file dialog in, for example, Notepad.

    OBControl knows about .nc and .gcode extensions (and some others) so will open the file just fine by default, so use the known extensions when you save.

    If OBControl is running on the same computer you are using Sketchup on, then click the transfer button (OB logo) in the toolbar to send the gcode (you do have to generate and save it first) into OBControl. (see attached video)

    This is only useful if this is the same PC that is controlling the machine, otherwise pretty pointless.

    So if your control PC is not the Sketchup PC, it would be normal to
    1. save the gcode file
    2. transfer the gcode file to the control pc (through the network, or walk over with a flash stick)
    3. open OBControl
    4. click 'Open G-CODE'
    5. select 'Open Gcode from file'
    6. select the file
    7. click the 'open' button.

    A quick video of saving and transferring to OBControl on the same computer is attached. Only useful if your editing PC is also the PC that controls the router.

    (for the tech savvy it IS possible to jigger the transfer script to transfer through the network from a 'sketchup pc' to a 'router pc' that is on the same network)

    Attached Files:

    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  30. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    oops, missed the attached gcode earlier.

    You have somehow infected all your shapes with the backtick disease.

    A few posts ago I mentioned that the 2 shapes at top left were a problem and needed to be fixed, and mentioned the tool that does it for you.

    What I want to know is what you did after that that has caused every cut to now be backticking?

    This is some kind of internal Sketchup thing I think so I need to know what Sketchup version you are using, what license is in effect, what you did in terms of editing, etc etc.
    We need to figure it out so that we can prevent or cure it in the future.

    Since SketchUcam very rarely has a problem like this with outline cuts this is something new. (was common with centerline cuts)

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