CAM keeps crashing and working very slowly when it does work, took path is coming up very slow but then the generate g code option remains as “unavailable please wait”
Thanks Peter, I’m relatively new to all this to be honest but have been using the same jpeg file for the last number of weeks, have successfully created gcodes several times with this file on openbuild CAM and am just playing a round with tool path now, this is the first time it has caused any issues.
Jpeg is about the worst format designed for compression over quality its a high loss format with lots ot artifacts. Looks for DXFs first, SVG second, bitmaps in case of emergency Clean input files makes a huge difference
Error says its still not a good clean CNC'able file. Post the file and I'll take a look for you - convert it to polylines for your for example docs:software:file-errors [OpenBuilds Documentation]