Is anyone successfully using Solidworks in conjunction with HSMxpress to generate g-code for their openbuilds cnc router? If so, I have a few questions about that for you. I'm currently using Fusion 360 for CAD/CAM for my Openbuilds lead 1010. However, we use Solidworks at work and I want to swap to Solidworks at home. Seems that solidworks naitve CAM doesn't play nice with the openbuilds controller, hence the HSMxpress. 1) Am I understanding that correctly? 2) Are you successfully using Solidworks in conjunction with the HSMxpress add-in to generate g-code for your openbuilds router? 3) Are you having to do any editing to the g-code before it will run on the openbuilds controller? 3) Which Openbuilds router do you have? Thank you!
I do and have been for a few years now. I have sw 2018 with hsm works. hsm uses the fusion posts so you can use the same post as you do for fusion. i dont edit anything. Im using a black box and open builds control software.