Gyday Guys i have another question ?? its been a while. can this black box run offline, its a great product , i have 2. but i need a transportable machine, not PC controlled , come on guys put some thought to this to make the Black Box the best!! there are some GRBL offline controllers out there. others have done this to Marlin, too complicated for me at 78. hate andrino. Have i got your attention . Lloyd
Not at this time as a finished solution, but there is an AUX serial port, if you have arduino skills you could build a sender our of a seperate arduino, sd shield, etc: OpenBuilds BlackBox 4X Documentation
Ahhh . Pete .. there is some interest, "but there is an AUX serial port," yep all devices have to have a PORT. put this to your world and see, me harty ?? me to old mate. the brain is already pickled, love me Scotch. lloyd
(; why do you think we added a port, watch this space (; you never know what secret upcoming products might already be running on our desks here (;
What kinds of 'sender' are we talking about here? I mess with all sorts of Arduino based projects... (although none of them are CNC related).. but the comment sparked my interest.
gyday Xman? (although none of them are CNC related).. but the comment sparked my interest.) can this black box run offline, its a great product , lets improve it.! To do this one needs a control + sd card + lcd screen and a port?? its been done by others. me i have ideas, some i can do but this for u guys. i am an old Fart, loosing the plot . can it work ?? lloyd