I have a Neje A40630 laser module on an ACRO 1010 build. Its powered by a 12v Arduino CNC. I am running into an issue during engraving/filling movements. The belief is that during this rapid back and forth motions static is being built and then discharges and resets the controller. My question is, has anyone ever dealt with a similar issue? I have a grounding plug, and i have all the rails linked together but the issue is still active. I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone has any new information Thanks
Unlikely to be static per-se, rather, your Arduino based controller probably just lacks basic EMI filtering. Motors, laser PWM driver, etc all cause interference. Get a BlackBox and Xtension Limits - built in EMI filtering, amongst others - will be a great upgrade to a bare arduino and solve all your headaches. See docs.openbuillds.com/blackbox to learn more
Thanks for the response. I currently do not have limit switches on the build. Can I install them on only the X and Y axis, and not the Z? I wasn't sure about enabling limit switches and only having 2 of the 3 on the machine. Or can I just do without any of them? Your confidence that this will solve my issues is refreshing.
We include an Acro profile that has a recompiled Grbl build with 2-axes homing - OpenBuildsCONTROL > Connect to your BlackBox > Grbl settings > Select relevant Acro profile for your machine > Prompt will ask you if you want to flash the 2-axes firmware. Also available under Wizards and Tools > Firmware flashing tool.