I finally got my machine going and tested las night, everything was working fine. Turned itnon this morning to test out and start calibrating. For some reason the y and z stepper driver dies, one or the other. If I only have 2 axis plugged they both work but as soon I plug the the 3rd one, one of them dies, but never the x axis. I use a 24v 20A 500w power supply here is the link: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B077N592WJ?psc=1&ref=yo_pop_mb_yo_pop_mb_pd_t2 And TB6600 stepper drivers: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B07B9ZQF5D?psc=1&ref=yo_pop_mb_yo_pop_mb_pd_t2 Not sure if it is a power issue or driver issue. All drivers are connected independently to the power unit and not daisy chained.
Hi GST, could try turning down the current on all the drives just to see if you can get them working. can you measure the output voltage of the drives to see if its the PSU shutting down? Maybe you have a short somewhere? Happy New Year Gary
Thanks Gary. I did some more testing and I believe the problem is my PiCNC. I disconnected all the motor, samr problem. I then switched the X and Y axis with all the wiring and the problem now happens on X and Z. I posted on the Protoneer forum about that as well.
Well after more testing I believe I found the issue. I was able to isolate the problem to 1 wire bundle. I have the cable soldered in plug for quick disconnect of the machine and controller. After isolating each wire bundle I found which one was causing issue and when I checked I noticed one of the wire had a piece of solder touching the case of the plug. Trimmed and now everything seems fine. More testing should confirm this was the issue. GST