Hi, I purchased a 1510 Workbee from OpenBuilds with Black Box Motion Control System and the 24 V. Power supply bundle. I'm using OpenBuilds CAM & Control. It has been working perfectly fine until now. When I power it up and load up a new project, I proceeded with the homing routine. The motors did not responded to the Motion Control System (Software). I initially got an error 2: Numeric value format is not valid or missing an expected value [ $132=Undefined] I proceeded to the grbl and notice that all my settings were off so I changed according to the settings on this link gnea/grbl Error was gone but still no power on the motors. Check the cables and they all seem to be connected and properly. I went ahead and uninstalled the program and downloaded a new version from the OpenBuilds website. Still same issue although no error. Any ideas as of how to trouble shoot this problem? I'm running windows on an old laptop. Thank you for your help.
I believe is at enable. Still motors do not activate. Could it be a short on the wires? I checked them and they seem good.
Is the fan in the BlackBox spinning? All it needs to move motors is 1) $4=1 2) 24v in, on and working (fan is on 24v too, so quick way to check) 3) Motors wired correctly
One thing that grabbed my attention is that when I loaded the Control System it did not activated the "unlock alarm" it usually activates it as a security. Would that be an indication of something not been trigger in the system?
Wow, I did not disable the homing cycle, because I did no know how to do that... So I enable homing cycle (on Grbl settings) and save changes but after saving it defaults back on disable. That's weird, I think...
Sounds like you have some EEPROM corruption. See gnea/grbl Also try a reflash from Wizards and Tools > Grbl Flashing tool
Looks like since I toggle the limit switch on and after saving it goes back to off. Let me try that. Thanks for your help.
Good news!!! Limit switches are working. Motors are moving... But... The X axis moves normal but the Y axis motors seem to have not enough power. I suspect the settings are not correct.
Yes it seems that is the case. As I change the acceleration it moves accordingly. I just do not know what settings should I use.