Right now I have 2 motors hooked up to my "Y" axis. both are running independently of each other. when I jog my y axis using my "Y" driver the "Y" motor is the only one that responds. When I jog the "A" driver the other motor on my "Y" axis responds to is thus creating a gantry that con not move unless I jog both together. On my bob board I have my "Y: driver hooked up to the "Y: pulse and direction. My "A" driver is hooked up to the "A" pulse and direction pins. It makes since that they would work independently since they have their own places on the control board. Getting them to work together is one thing with out loosing steps is another, Any help out there
@Dancook, you know you can hook both drivers to the same pull and direction pins/connector? It works and has been done many times before. Not the ideal solution but it works. But...if your controller has the option to jog either axis then it most likely had also the option to join them internally in the controller's setting.