Workbee 1510 kit x32 BB Took forever to find the serial port, but now know where that is. When I touch jog on any of the steppers all I get is a rattle and vibration no movement forward or backward. Followed the video to the letter and corrected when there was a mistake. So far nothing but rattle and shake-checked all wire harnesses for continuity(X), wire layout to match where ever the two pieces are joined(X). With Control open assigned the right port, assigned the type of machine(workbee 1510) and did the reset. Still nothing but rattle and shake on all motors. Motors are all engaged with power on. All parts are what came with the kit so there are no mods. Why doesn't it work?
3rd party motors, or OpenBuilds motors? If its 3rd party ( or old kit just getting round to building now), see docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Color coding on our wires changed a couple years back, and we haven't sold workbee kits in a long time either. Both good clues The color code is specific to current parts, the FAQ linked above will help you identify older/3rd party motor wiring in short order.
Kit was short lots of parts but OpenBuilds was very helpful in getting me to where I am now. Still missing some stuff-corrugated tube for wires, corrugated tube for router cables, cable clamp for corrugated tube. Rewire worked great thanks everything is moving now now onto the router install.
Fantastic, but just an fyi, the forum can't assist with missing parts, for that, you'd have to contact the store (Support > New Ticket)