I posted this on RepRap forum, guess should be of interest over here too... St Microelectronics came out with evaluation board for quite decent cost considering ported Marlin with added wireless connectivity and web server, all on their STM32F401... There are also Nucleo boards available on this CPU which with an added shield could be turn out in quite cost efficient controller... STEVAL-3DP001V1 - Evaluation board for 3D printer - STMicroelectronics St3dPrinter (ST3dPrinter) · GitHub Key features & Benefits • Adaptable to any 3D printer mechanics • Based on open-source Marlin firmware running on STM32 • Driving up to 6 axes (3 extruders) with programmable motor currents via firmware • Controllable by portable devices thanks to embedded Wi-Fi module • Controlling up to 3 hot ends and 3 fans • Supports up to 3 heated beds • Easy firmware customization thanks to embedded debugging tool and OpenSTM32 environment • USB and microSD peripheral support