Hey everyone, I have started and completed my first build (minus some difficulties on the software side. If you think you can help me with a Routy build with GRBL please let me know). What I'm looking for a person could call a "course" in related materials. I suppose this mostly pertains to a router table. I would like to have a knowledge of bits, materials, feedrates, and any of this other stuff. I'd like to be able to both understand and figure. I would also love if someone could point me to basics of anything else you may have found very intellectually rewarding in any of your builds, regardless of what they are. To be honest I feel like a kid who taught himself guitar, isn't incredibly good, and doesn't know where to go from here. Thanks.
Hello @jkalberer41, Check out this page, it's the best place for CNC I've found on the net: CNCCookbook: Be a Better CNC'er -Ronald