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Time Estimate Way Off

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Rink, Mar 6, 2025 at 11:29 AM.

  1. Rink

    Rink Well-Known

    Mar 7, 2020
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    Good morning everyone.

    OB Control provides an estimate of the time that a job will take to run, in the bottom left corner of the application screen. Usually, that time estimate is very close, often exact. But this morning…

    I ran a job to dimple the back of a picture frame with 18 small holes (about 1mm diameter, 1mm deep) with a 60-degree v-bit. These dimples are locations for installing screws later. Should be about a minute or two to run. When I loaded the job, OB Control estimated 21 minutes. When it finished, it had run in only 1 minute, as expected. I have not adjusted jog or other rates in OB Control.

    As I said, the time estimate is usually right-on, but today for this particular job, it was off by a factor of 21x. Thought someone might want to take a look, so I’m including the before and after screen shots showing both the 21-minute estimate and the 1-minute completion time, as well as my g-code file.

    I’m using an OB LEAD 1510, BlackBox 32, VCarve v 11.5, MacBook Pro 14” with M1 processor, a cup of coffee, and some cinnamon toast.

    VCarve estimated about 16 minutes for this job, but it almost always overstates the estimates by a wide margin. OB Control usually doesn’t.

    Thx, rink.

    Attached Files:

  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    It is just an estimate, machine acceleration means you cant just do distance x feed and figure out how long a job takes. So we do, and then add a margin (i think its around 1.3x) to estimate seek, acceleration etc

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