Hello, I,m trying to open an SVG file from Inkscape to the CAM program and I get this error message. Any suggestions on what I,m doing wrong!
Did you perform the steps mentioned in the error? That is, select some entities (this is a crazy complex file though, consider simplification tools to lower polygon pointcount), add them to a Toolpath with the green Add button under Toolpaths on the right, configure the toolpath and then generate gcode? You have to setup the toolpath so the machine knows what you want it to do, before you click Generate Gcode (as the error pops up when you click Generate, but forgot to do the rest)
It will not load on to the CAM program. I try to open file so I can configure toolpath and get the message.
Loads on my PC (screenshot below), but takes a while (took about 40 seconds to parse). Your file has over 70 thousand points! Just because its an SVG doesn't make it a CNC'able file (; - you need files designed to be cut This looks like a badly done bitmap trace. As mentioned above, consider simplification tools to get the point count down - work it in Inkscape/Illustrator first and make it a proper CNC'able file (Closed vectors, smooth lines, low point count, clean, etc)