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Uneven Tab spacing

Discussion in 'CAM' started by TrialandTerror, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. TrialandTerror


    Oct 18, 2019
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    Thanks for your help in the past. I am still new to CNC and have lots to learn.

    I am using the Openbuilds browser CAM, and have just one current issue.

    I have a file that has 6 very similar size sides of a box. When I import a .dxf with all 6 pieces, and add tabs by length, say 50mm, some of the parts get 2 tabs on each side, but then 1 part gets say 2 tabs on only 1 side, or even 1 tab on one side, (which lost a part so far), when the parts themselves are symmetrical. Then when I try 25mm, I get like 4 times more tabs. I've played with other numbers, but it seems like on the same sheet, that whats good for one tends to be way overkill for another.

    The parts are a mix of flat sides with inside cut slots, and outside "tabs" (for mounting together).

    Does the algorithm only allow for tab placement along flat sides? I'm just curious if there is a rhyme or reason. This is all prototyping for large cuts, so I'd like to figure out the idea before moving up to full-size pieces.

    Thanks in advance, take care all.

    Edit: Also, I tried different size tabs to see if that helped. Having wide tabs might be my best choice, but I did try smaller ones with similar results in the CAM.
    #1 TrialandTerror, Jan 16, 2020
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    The logic internally is quite complicated, it can only place a tab under certain conditions: I won't explain it here as it gets complicated but the code and comments on OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CAM explains it
    (basically only sections long enough for spacing + tabWidth, only straight sections, etc - lots more, check the code for full details)

    So what does it mean for you?

    Option 1: Play with that spacing value, if 50mm doesnt allow it to place tabs everywhere, try 49.5mm for example, fudging around with the spacing and tab width will allow you to find a happy medium (within its constraints - its purpose it to add tabs easily, not ideally)
    Option 2: For more advanced use cases, you should graduate from the free, get-you-started-CAM, to something more professional with full control, like Fusion360, or Vectric Products - OpenBuilds Part Store

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