I just changed out my original BB to the new x32 and I have a question. None of the limit switch indicators on the troubleshooting tab are changing but the limits all still stop the machine when jogging. I cannot get a home cycle to run because I get a pull off error even though I am well off of the limit switches... I've tried inverting the limit signal with the same results. I don't understand why the status is not changing even though the limit switches appear to be working properly. Do I need to do something with the door connection? SHould I switch the limit switch voltage? Using the openbuild mechanical limit switch.
Have you selected a machine profile in the grbl settings tab? I vaguely remember all of my inputs as showing triggered when I first hooked it up. If you havent selected a machine profile, make sure you create a backup of your settings first. Then select a machine profile -> Save -> Restore backup.
Also, if you plan on connecting via WIFI: 1 Go into grbl settings and set SSID and Password. Save. 2 Press the reset button on the side of the X32. 3 Give it 20 second or so. 4 Scan network. Once you are connected, if you start getting hard limit triggered when you try to home or unlock, then you'll have to build an updated firmware file. Details in this thread: WiFi \ Hard limit error · Issue #61 · grblHAL/ESP32 Specifically in this response: WiFi \ Hard limit error · Issue #61 · grblHAL/ESP32 Before flashing the new firmware, take a backup of your settings. Then 1 - Flash new file: Wizards and Tool -> Flash Firmware -> X32 -> select port -> select custom firmware -> browse to new firmware.bin file -> flash. 2 - After reconnecting, choose a machine profile and turn on limit switches installed. Save 3 - Restore backup settings. Save 4 - Scan network. If not found, press reset button on side of the X32 etc....
Connect old controller: CONTROL > Grbl Settings > Backup Settings Connect to new Controller > CONTROL > Grbl Settings > Restore Backup In the restore process, needed changes will be applied for you
Hi I received an x32 in December and have just installed it. It is hard to tell but by the sound of things none of the limit switches seem to be working correctly. When I try to move any direction I get a “ cachunk” and nothing moves. In reading the form it indicates that I should load my profile again. When I try to I get a profile I get an error. Profile not found. Wi-Fi indicator is flashing slowly maybe once a second. Usb is off. Thanks John Raney
first use CONTROL to update the firmware in the X32 then connect your old controller and backup the grbl setttings disconnect the old controller connect the new X32 use CONTROL to restore the backup. it will automatically translate any settings that need changing for the X32.
Peter this is the screenshot you requested. In my previous text I said all I was getting was a “kerchuck” when I asked interface to move to jog.
Continued I also flashed the x32. Now all I get is the game no control capability I am kind of lost thanks John
Error means you skipped a couple steps in docs.openbuilds.com/interface The timeout on connection, also. Possibly didn't read the docs and saw that you have to unplug USB from BlackBox? Have a thorough read through docs.openbuilds.com/interface and follow ALL the steps, notes etc