Hey gang- Back on a project I -started- a while back.. and am looking for some feedback on using the v-slot material as a 'frame' of sorts.. I am wrapping up making one of those 'bar bots' you have seen all over the place (example: ) I currently have a 1000mm 'rack and pinion' set up (v-slot, stepper, wheels..complete kit) I am now starting to think about the 'frame' of my project... and was thinking maybe trying to use some v-slot material will give it a more uniform look, but also, help connect my current rail in a better way than attempting to use some table legs from IKEA.. I have my x-axis 'slide rail'... and I have two 'bars' that my liquor bottles attach to (which sits in FRONT of my rail/slide) my x-axis material is NOT set up where the v-slot/rail is FLAT with the ground, and the plate is also 'flat'.. the rail is standing on its 'edge' (long ways).. and the plate is also 'vertical' (hope that made sense?) My current set up is like this (two legs, with a board in the 'back', that my electronics..etc will be mounted to).. my v-slot/rail goes INBETWEEN these two legs.. and my bottle 'rails' (not a v-lot/8020 based anything).. go in FRONT of the legs.. I want to replace these legs with some v-slot.. Here are some other quick mock ups... (to visual lize the v-slot stuff I want to do). NOTE: * the x-axis is NOT positioned correctly in these images.. it is TURNED so the rail is 'vertical'...and the mounting plate is also vertical I -want- to use some v-slot as the LEG/SIDE pieces.... Hopefully that explanation is makes sense so far? Here are my questions.. Are there fasteners that I can use to MOUNT my backing/board to these 'leg' v-slot rails? I thought there are pieces I can use to mount/secure my x-axis rail in between the v-slot LEG pieces.... that were like 'L' brackets? But I cant find them anymore? Not these: Cast Corner Bracket Although that may work? (I'm at work.. so I dont have the EXACT space needed)... but.. my main concern is the space between mounting the x-axis rail between two v-slot 'legs'.... and the 'bottle rails' in FRONT... how much space will be between them? What options are out there for mounting/connecting v-slot to other v-slot rail? The corner connectors seem 'ok'.... but I thought there was a 90 degree angle part.. like this: Double Tee Nut (but bent of course) I'm thinking the 20x60 rail would be WIDE enough (60mm)..?? I'll take measurements tonight to know my minimum space needed between each front (bottle) rail and back (x-axis) v-slot rail. All feedback is appreciated. thanks!
Tee-nuts and screws to fasten your backing board to the v-slot. And the Makerlink corner connectors are in the store here: Makerlink® Products - OpenBuilds Part Store
ahhh... 'makerlinks'... thank you! (sorry for the late reply, I didnt get any email notification there was a response here) questions.. do those ONLY work with v-slot rail? I have some v-slot rail 'rack and pinion' kit/set-up..... can you connect/secure/mount this v-slot rail to other types of extruded material? (8020...etc)?? or do it ONLY work with v-slot rail type profiles?
No guarantees but it should work fine with any other 20mm based extrusion as V-slot is based on 20mm extrusion.
Thanks... I guess I'll grab a piece from the local MakerSpace and see if it works.. if not.. I'll have to order some here.. (just wasnt looking forward to cutting to correct size)
Makerlink should work with 8020 or chinese t-slot. The difference is in the shape of the sides of the slot and a very minor difference in the opening size (0.3 mm).
Thanks!.. I am using v-slot I bought from here for the actual linear/gantry movement stuff.... I just wanted to see if I could use other kind of stuff/profile (8020/knockoffs..etc) for the frame stuff! 'chinese t-slot' new term to google! (appreciate it)
x197. Please keep us posted as to how you get on. It is all useful information for Member's future plans and ideas. Good Job
Will do.. this is my first adventure into using any linear rail type of stuff i my projects.. (my first stepper motor project as well).. I usually do electronics, and small manual machining stuff.. (as well as some hobby laser cutting, but that was pre-built/bought).. My main concern at this moment is: 1.) seems if I buy the V-Slot Linear Rail - 1500mm Length (20mm x 60mm) on Amazon.. I will get free shipping? (which saves me like $10 bucks!).. but I also need to order some of those makerlinks..etc and a few other odds-n-ends.. (not sure what to do here on that.. is there free shipping on Black Friday purchases?) 2.) I really only need like 2 x 700mm (roughly give or take an inch) EQUAL v-slot rail pieces... I was just going to get a 1500mm piece.. but then I need to worry about cutting it nice and smooth, and equal..etc (would prefer to just order to pieces!) LOL I have spent some time on the web interface/front end of things.. (GUI, database, php code..etc) as well as setting up the Arduino and Raspberry Pi to communicate 2-way via serial data (parsing, executing, sending responses/confirmations..etc) still need to set up the values and pressurized contains for the 'mixer' type liquids (orange juice, sodas..etc).. and start worrying about the final look and function. slow personal hobby project I guess..
I believe there is Free Shipping in there somewhere. Go to the Part Store and have a poke around. Don't leave it too long though!
still trying to find a free shipping for the store here... (as I'd rather get everything at once and at the same place).. but amazon says its free shipping.. and the selling -is- openbuilds? lol
So.. I ordered both 'groups' of parts.. * V-Slot from Amazon (had a gift card. plus it was free shipping) * Ordered the rest of the bits-n-bobs from the parts store (still had to pay shipping, Black Friday discounts added up like $1.00 or something?).. meh. Amazon order got immediate feedback and says it was shipped first. Store order actually came FIRST!.. and on a Sunday!?? Amazon order (I believe) came today.. as the tracking says 'delivered'! Now to figure out to best cut this v-slot in half!! I was hoping to NOT have to go out and buy a new sliding mitre saw or saw or something.. (plus blade!) So that leaves me with my manual mill...or going to the local makerspace!