Does anyone know if the xyz probe will work with the Inventable Xcrave 1000 and the Xcontroller? I am using OpenBuilds Control and made the toolpaths with Vectric Desktop 11.5. Or would the Xcrave probe work with OpenBuilds Control? Thanks, Duane
You could get the XYZ probe and just not hook up the 5 volt line. It will work. You will only be missing the light indicating the endmill touched it. It appears that Xcarve does not have the output for a three wire probe with power which is the reason why. But I may be wrong. I have never seen the Xcontroller. I just did a quick google seacrh of it. I used my XYZ probe that way (Connected S and G wires only) until recently when I rebuilt and rewired my CNC machine. Or use a "custom probe type" in OpenBuilds Control then input your probe specs there. See yellow arrow in picture:
Your right, the xcontroller only has a 2 wire probe hookup. Not having a light come on during the probe cycle is not a problem. I think the xyz probe would be more accurate than the Inventable one. Thanks for you quick reply!!
It is definitely a better probe. I have the older model that had no corner cut outs which is why I upgraded.