Hi I'm trying to carve some text in wood using amana v-groove 90° end mill but can't seem to get the tool path correct. I've looked for the tool data sheet but with no luck. What would I need to set the end mill diameter to on the path settings. Many thanks
What CAM are you using? (we recommend Vectric Products - OpenBuilds Part Store for V Carves) If it comes out wrong its usually incorrect angle (check if the angle matches a known 90 deg like a corner of something nearby) or incorrect Z zero setting Post pics of the results we'd be better able to advise seeing what went wrong
I'm new to cnc and using the openbuilds blackbox and free software, don't really want to splash out on softwear just yet.
The free software doesnt directly do v carving. But you can always experiment with it. Endmill diameter: sets an offset from the line. If you just want to follow the lines use the No Offset toolpaths. Endmill diameter is ignored on those as they do not offset.
F-Engrave is a great way to v carve and is free.But, not as user friendly as Vectric's V-Carve. It may be the Fonts you are choosing.