Hello All, I hope this is the correct place to post this question. My apologies if not. Would anyone know how much weight these handles can hold. I was going to bolt 2 of these handles (one on each side) my RailcoreII 300ZL 3D printer which has 6.6mm thick aluminum sides which is where I would mount them using 5mm bolts. It's very heavy and not sure how heavy, haven't had a chance to weigh it. Thanks for your time /quadcells
I don't think we have a tested-to-failure actual number, but i suspect your hands will be unable to hold on to the handle, long before the handle or its M5 mounting gives way (; They are pretty tough
Thanks for your input. I will have to agree with you. I already have them and like you said they seem to be very tough. Just wanted some reassurance. /quadcells