Since I was not able to find any v-slot for OpenSCAD, I made my own: Right now they are quite high-def and I might add some options later to make them simpler for performances.
In building a corner component, or a frame, (In delta we call it a vertex), its handy to "subtract" a vslot from the body. Example code of something I was doing this morning. When you use this, you get more complexity that needed. It results in non printable part. include <MCAD/units.scad>; include <MCAD/materials.scad> use <MCAD/shapes.scad>; use <smallbridges/scad/bom.scad>; use <smallbridges/scad/vslot.scad>; module body() { cube([50,50,50]); } module vslot_cutouts(){ $fn = 32; translate([35,35,0]) rotate([0,0,90]) vslot20x20(200); translate([15,0,35]) rotate([0,90,90]) vslot20x20(200); translate([0,15,15]) rotate([0,90,0]) vslot20x20(200); } module corner() { difference(){ body(); union() { vslot_cutouts(); } } } corner();
Oh I see. I was planning to make a simplified version of it to speed up rendering time but to be honest I just didn't feel the need yet. If I recall correctly commenting out the part that subtract the holes on the corners and the one in the middle should be pretty trivial. Feel free to create a pull request if you find yourself adding interesting features to that file.