Been using my BB X32 and for the most part loving it. Finally received the Interface CNC Touch, and super excited for its utility. Plugged it in today, worked through the motions, all seemed to be pretty straight forward doing dry runs, spindle up and off. When it came to actually do a cut, the Touch would "crash" or "freeze" it seems that as soon as I turn on my VFD controlled spindle, the Touch crashes. I have no issues running the X32 with my laptop. All my high voltage wires and the VFD are on the far side of the machine. The X32 and Touch on the opposite side of the machine and separated by about 10 feet. Any suggestions? Thanks you.
earthing is the thing to check I think. high voltage has it's own earth low voltage (24v stuff) has its own earth do not connect the two. docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]