I am having issues with the consistency of the belt drive on the y axis I believe I overtensioned the belt but have realized the likelyhood of inconsistent results due to belt stretching throughout a long run... in reading a lot of different forums I think that ball screw is the way but am wondering if 1500 mm travel is too far for 8mm diameter screw... and how would you attach to the y axis drive plates without modifying the plates... if you are going to modify plates just build new ones right?! I am hoping someone else has done this and it is easier than I am thinking... otherwise its build new plates for the y axis drive assembly. Any help would be awesome... thank you
A few of us have done it. My conversion starts half way down the build page: Shawn's Workbee 1510 There's also a few different options to control whip if you go with 8mm screws: There was also a 3d printed piece that you mount in the c-beam, but I cant find it atm. Do a search for screw whip here and you'll see a few of the options I'm talking about.