Hi guys, I'm new here and this is my first question... I just finished building my Lead machine. It came with the xPro V3 controller and it seem to work well with the sample "Hello World" found on here. I made a part with Solidworks CAD and produced the machining and tool path with Solidworks CAM but when I transfer the gcode from CAM, the controller does not recognize the code and error right away. I tried numerous gcode format from CAM but nothing I tried has worked so far. Would anyone know how I fix this issue? Thanks.
the xPro runs GRBL GRBL interprets only the simplest of Gcodes (G0 G1 G2 G3 for movement and just a few others relative to other controllers. this list does not include tool changes and that is usually the first thing that generates an error. next is cutter compensation, you have to select 'in CAM' rather than 'in controller' My SolidWorks I don't know solidworks at all but there must be a 'simple as possible' postprocessor for it and that is what you want. a quick google shows many have had this question and there are answers.
Thank you for your explanation, I will have to do some research on what format and how I can change the gcode syntax from Solidworks. This old dogs needs to learn new tricks...
SOLVED... Thanks for putting me on the right track, I downloaded the GRBL post process ctl files, transferred into the proper Solidworks CAM folder so the GRBL option shows up in the option list and voila, issues fixed. Now, lets go make parts !