i want to make a z-carriage with mini wheels for a 3d printer. What is the exact space between the wheels center to roll on an 2040 aluminium extrusion? See picture in the attachment. i mean the distance for the red line. Are mini wheels ok for a z-axis or the big wheels better? Thank you for help.
You can extract dimensions from our standard Plates: OpenBuilds | 3D Warehouse For example: OpenBuilds Mini V Wheel Plate_1_0 | 3D Warehouse is meant for 20x20, so to use it on 20x40 across the wider face just add 20mm to the measurement However "exact space" is not the best idea, to cater to manufacturing tolerances, wear and tear, etc - rather design in Eccentric spacers to give yourself some adjustment: Eccentric Spacer
^^^add 12mm to the extrusion width for mini wheels. 20mm for full size wheels. And as Peter notes you’ll need eccentric spacers along 1 side of the plate to account for manufacturing tolerances.
Thank's for the fast answer. What do you mean with the 12mm? i have calculated that the space between the center of the wheels for an 2040 extrusion is 50mm. I know i must use one eccentric spacer. See Attachments. Do you think that the mini wheels are good for this or that big wheels are better?
If you’re using stock OpenBuilds parts the dimension would be 40 (for the extrusion) + 12 (for the wheels) = 52mm. It’s always a good idea though to do a mock up and a test fit. Can’t go wrong that way.