Hi everyone. I'm new to this board and to making "stuff". I recently saw a video on Youtube of a device that I liked ut now I can't find it again. I'd like to know what the name of the design type is, if there is a term for it. the device was a 2D plotter where the stylus was suspended and guided by two cables that were controlled by motors on masts located on the corners of the plotters area. Moved and controlled much like the overhead cameras now used in sporting events. Could anyone here let me know what that style of device is commonly called?
I don't really know if it has a specific name but it is not really hard to find examples and once you find one it'll lead you to plenty of others.
Thanks everybody, that was fast! After I posted I was poking around youtube searching with the term "drawbot", that I saw here on openbuilds. I saw some of the vids with the vertical oriented work surfaces, they were almost what I saw but the vid with the "four cable sand plotter"was actually the video that I was looking for and could not find. Cool device, anyone know if "four cable plotter" is the closest to a name for the mechanism as I'm likely to find ?